The Prize


To everyone in the Empire military knew, all human’s were stark raving mad, and no matter how hard they tried, or how many they killed, the crazy human’s wouldn’t stop fighting. What the Emperor, Director Markoff, and the Empire military should have remembered the old adage. …never trust a human, and especially Richard Penn. For Penn, the hated and despised human killer, the choice was simple, go on a suicide mission to a forbidden planet, or another human city with over a million men, woman and children would die.


To everyone in the Empire military knew, all human’s were stark raving mad, and no matter how hard they tried, or how many they killed, the crazy human’s wouldn’t stop fighting. What the Emperor, Director Markoff, and the Empire military should have remembered the old adage. …never trust a human, and especially Richard Penn. For Penn, the hated and despised human killer, the choice was simple, go on a suicide mission to a forbidden planet, or another human city with over a million men, woman and children would die. To make the mission even more interesting, Director Markoff send along seventeen cold eyed killer as his escort who’d rather see him dead than breath. Seventeen killer, an inexperience Captain and one human female, Sub Major Ellis. A beautiful, gray eyed, cold hearted bitch in cast iron panties. She hated and despised Penn more than all the others put together, and held the other end of his electronic leash. So all he had to do was crash land on a forbidden planet you couldn’t escape from, lead the motley team through a hundred miles of trackless jungle full of death traps, unimaginable monsters, and alien troops, to a mountain size pyramid shaped building. Surviving the crash landing was one thing, surviving forty eight hours with seventeen killer another, getting to the building and finding the Prize would be a miracle, so how could anything go wrong. Getting to the building was easy compared to what they faced inside. Here, he had to face the most dangerous monster of all to collect a prize he didn’t want, and maybe lose the prize he truly wanted.

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